All About Pipe Fencing for Large Properties

All About Pipe Fencing for Large Properties

When managing large properties like farms or ranches, you’ll need to select the right fencing. Out of all the options available, pipe fencing is an exceptional choice due to its strength and longevity. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using pipe fencing for a large property.

Advantages of Pipe Fencing

Let’s start by going over some of its notable advantages. First, pipe fencing offers remarkable durability, making it ideal for vast expanses with demanding conditions. Unlike wood or wire, pipe fencing withstands extreme weather and contains livestock without compromising security. Second, the fence’s low-maintenance nature means fewer headaches and more focus on what truly matters—running your farm or ranch! Additionally, pipe fencing provides excellent security, deterring intruders and keeping livestock safe.

Types of Pipe Fencing

Next, let’s look at the available types. Galvanized steel pipe is popular for its corrosion resistance and strength. Powder-coated pipe is available in various colors and adds protection and aesthetic appeal to your property. You might consider continuous fencing, which uses long sections of pipe welded together without gaps to provide an uninterrupted barrier to control livestock movement. Choose the material and design that best suits your property.

Planning and Installation

Successful pipe fencing starts with meticulous planning. Begin by assessing your property’s boundaries and identifying areas that require fencing. Measure the length and layout to determine how many pipes, posts, and gates you’ll need. Next, it’s time for installation.

Post-hole diggers are best for setting posts deep into the ground and stabilizing them. You can also weld or bolt the pipes to secure them and maintain a consistent height throughout the installation. Establishing gates at strategic points gives you easy access while maintaining security. Take your time to align everything, as precision during installation guarantees a long-lasting fence. If you get your pipe fencing in Fort Worth, Bob Davis Fences will help you out with the entire installation process.

Maintenance Tips

Another thing to know about pipe fencing for a large property is the maintenance aspect. Although pipe fencing requires minimal upkeep, you’ll still need to keep it in top condition. To start, regularly inspect your fence for signs of wear or damage, such as rust spots or loose connections. Promptly address these issues to prevent further deterioration.

If you use coated pipes, touch up any scratches to maintain their protective layer. Lubricate gate hinges and check latches for smooth operation. By incorporating these simple practices into your routine, you’ll extend the lifespan of your pipe fencing.


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